Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Okay... Although my purpose on this blog is not to create controversy, it looks like I'm about to jump into another controversial subject. At least 3 individuals have recently pointedly asked me my opinion on Christians drinking alcohol. If you're not a Christian and you're checking this out, the following posts may just be funny to you, but for many Christians, this can be a big issue.

I got an email from a good friend a couple weeks ago that expressed - quite well - the sentiment of several other conversations I've recently had. My friend says:

    I was wondering what you think about the issue of Christians drinking alcohol. The past few years, I have been faced with backing up my own position in the face of adversity from close Christian friends. I do have a strong opinion, but sometimes wonder if it is a conviction from God or if my view is clouded because of what has happened in my own life. With the ever-increasing amount of people around me choosing to partake, I am seeking Biblical counsel from one I know really seeks God.

    I should say that your opinion won't have an impact on my choice to abstain, but I would like to have a better idea of how to speak to my friends on the issue.

    Anything you've studied would be helpful - thanks!
This letter prompted me to really articulate how I see this issue as a disciple of Christ, and I think this is a worthy subject to come to terms with as you walk with Christ. In my thinking - and more importantly, in accordance with Scripture as I understand it - the issue is fairly black & white, although there are several factors to consider. I will share these in greater detail over the next several posts. The specific factors I will look at are: what does the Bible say about alcohol? What does it mean for my witness (my interaction with non-Christians)? What does it mean for my brothers (my interaction with fellow Christians)?

Continued next post...

1 comment:

Shelley said...

yes sir mr. van.daddy...this will be a good conversation i'm sure.

i think sam poses a good question in asking "what's the point?". It's sad that even Christians will drink to 'forget the problems of their day'. If we're relying on anything other than Christ to lighten our burdens it's not right and dangerous. It's also amazing that the Bible says "do not be drunk" and still people argue with it. Do they argue with "do not murder" or "do not steal"? So now I have people try to convince me theirs a difference in getting a 'buzz' and 'getting drunk'. In asking what's the point i think it reveals a lot, and many times requires re-thinking on the subject.

Yes indeed. This will be a good series of posts.